1977.6.15 - Vertical flight of Leonardo Da Vinci - SM01
1978.7.26 - Adhesion to UIT - SM02/SM03
1979.3.29 - Albert Einstein (physicist, 1879-1955) - SM04
1982.4.21 - Nicolò Copernicus (astronomer, mathematician) - SM05
1982.4.21 - Isaac Newton (astronomer, mathematician) - SM06
1982.4.21 - Maria Curie (chemist, mathematician) - SM07
1982.4.21 - Guglielmo Marconi (inventor) - SM08
1982.4.21 - Galileo Galilei (physicist, astronomer) - SM09
1983.2.24 - Alessandro Volta (chemist, inventor) - SM10
1983.2.24 - Evangelista Torricelli (physicist, mathematician) - SM11
1983.2.24 - Leonardo Da Vinci (inventor) - SM12
1986.3.6 - Halley’s Comet - SM13/SM14
1991.2.12 - European Idea (XXXI ), Ariane-4, ERS-1 - SM15/SM16
1993.3.26 - State TV inauguration, Tokyo world championships - SM17
1993.3.26 - State TV inauguration, satellite (hologram) - SM18
1993.3.26 - State TV inauguration, moon landing - SM19
1994.5.23 - European Idea ( XXXIV ), Ulysses probe - SM20/SM21
1998.5.28 - The flag into space - SM22/SM23/SM24
2000.4.27 - European Idea ( XL ), young people and stars - SM25
2002.9.19 - International Conference of Radio amateurs - SM26/SM27
2009.5.8 - European Idea ( XLIX ), Saturn and Earth - SM28
2009.5.8 - European Idea ( XLIX ), Solar System - SM29
2011.4.5 - J. Gagarin, A. Shepard- SM30/SM31
2012.6.13 - RTV on satellite - SM32
2013.2.13 - Twent. anniv. of Symposium unidentified flying objects - SM33
2019.10.2 - Moon landing 50th anniversary, Armstrong - SM34
2019.10.2 - Moon landing 50th anniversary, mother ship - SM35
2019.10.2 - Moon landing 50th anniversary, astronaut - SM36