Italian Stamps and pictorial postmarks

SAN MARCO Satellite Italian Stamp (December 15, 2014)

Letter by Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) approval of the project of the SAN MARCO Stamp

Decree by Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) issue of the SAN MARCO Stamp


Official Bulletin for the Issue of the SAN MARCO Commemorative Stamp (Poste Italiane)

Card of the SAN MARCO Stamp (Poste Italiane)

Italian Poste approves the last integration in VaccariNews

The SAN MARCO Stamp planned in the programme 2014, in VaccariNews

SAN MARCO Stamp is coming (Pronto al lancio il “San Marco 1”) in VaccariNew

Italian San Marco Anniversary Stamp Promoted by AS.IT.AF ORBIT (UK) n. 105 (Marzo 2015)

SAN MARCO satellit: ein halbes Jahrhundert italienische Raumfahrt (“SAN MARCO satellite: Half a Century of Italian space”) in WeltraumPhilatelie (DE) n. 257 (primavera 2015)

SAN MARCO: Půl století italských kosmických letů (In Czech) SAN MARCO; mezzo secolo di voli italiani nello spazio), in KOSMOS (CZ) n. 2/2015

GAGARIN Italian Stamp (April 12, 2011)

Decree by Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) issue of the Gagarin stamp

Gagarin stamp

Official Bulletin for the Issue of the GAGARIN Commemorative Stamp (Poste Italiane)

Press Release Issue of the GAGARIN Stamp (Poste Italiane)

Communication by Poste Italiane

ANSA Press Release (in Italian) “Un francobollo italiano per Gagarin. Anche le Poste ricordano il primo volo umano nello spazio”

“Gagarin nel francobollo”, by Fabio Bonacina, in vaccarinews

“50 anni fa il primo uomo nello spazio. Il francobollo italiano” by Francesco De Carlo

“25 years of Astrophilately” (November 5, 2010)

Original design by Carlo Torcelli

“Da venticinque anni uno… spazio a sé, (25° Astrofilatelia)” by Fabio Bonacina, in vaccarinews

“Fraai Italiaans stempel 25 Jaar Astrofilatelie” by Arie Olckers (NL), in Ruimtewaart Filatelie Club Nederland, # 1/2011 p. 11 LINK FA-2502

“Space-Unit : An Italian Postmark” (

25 years ago created the Section for Astrophilately, by Igor Rodin (RU) LINK Astrophilately – 25 years. Today. - 5 November 2010 - Astrophilatelist

25 years of Astro-philately in FEPA NEWS December 2010, pp. 49-50

25 Jahre Astrophilatelie: Die Ausstellungsklasse für Raumfahrt-Sammler di Jürgen P. Esders (DE), in Philateliegeschichte (Dicembre 2010) p. 23 (Versione Italiana FA-2506IT)

25 Years of Astrophilately – Space Covers Collectors got their own exhibition class in 1985 di Jürgen P. Esders, in Astrophile # 311 (April 2010) pp. 6-7